VECMA Training Event – EasySurrogate, QCG-PilotJob, and FabSim3

Author Archives: Hugh Martin

VECMA Training Event – EasySurrogate, QCG-PilotJob, and FabSim3

Learn to apply automated Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) to complex single- and multi-scale applications! We at VECMA are pleased to announce a free online training event on EasySurrogate, QCG-PilotJob, and FabSim3. Date and Time: 23 July 2021, at 09:55- 15:30 CET (08:55-14:30 UK) Length: 5h35m Platform: Zoom Registration Fee: Free Services accessed: Jupyter…

VECMA Toolkit Hackathon – 25-27 May 2021

The Fifth VECMA Toolkit Hackathon is taking place on 25-27 May 2021. The Hackathon will allow you to interact with our VECMAtk experts, who will help you apply your choice of VECMAtk tools on your own codes and applications. VECMAtk enables automated Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) for complex single- and multi-scale applications that can…

Seminar on VECMAtk and the impact of uncertainty on predictions of the CovidSim epidemiological code

You are invited to join an online seminar on VECMAtk and the impact of uncertainty on predictions of the CovidSim epidemiological code, which takes place on 10:00UK/11:00CET, Friday 16 April This seminar covers two related subjects: 1) Speaker: Dr Derek Groen, Brunel University London The first part of the seminar introduces the VECMA Toolkit (VECMAtk).…

VECMA Toolkit Hackathon – 21-23 April 2021

The fourth VECMA Toolkit Hackathon is taking place on 21-23 April 2021. The Hackathon will allow you to interact with our VECMAtk experts, who will help you apply your choice of VECMAtk tools on your own codes and applications. VECMAtk enables automated Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) for complex single- and multi-scale applications that can…

VECMA Training Event: EasyVVUQ and FabSim3

Learn to apply automated Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) to complex single- and multi-scale applications! We at VECMA are pleased to announce a free online training event on EasyVVUQ and FabSim3. Date and Time: 12 November 2020, at 13:55- 17:30 CET (12:55-16:30 UK) Length: 3h35m Platform: Zoom Registration Fee: Free Services accessed: Jupyter Notebooks…

Self-assembly and dispersion of graphene oxide structures in polymers

Graphene oxide is extremely versatile, with potential applications in many engineering fields. But for its effective use, control of its structure is essential. For instance, thin films and membranes require highly ordered nanoparticle arrangements; composites require dispersed nanoparticles, and hydrogels require 3D porous arrangements. However, the structure of graphene oxide can vary significantly depending on…

VECMA VVUQ Toolkit Month 9 Beta Release

The VECMA project has previously made three releases internal to the project (at Months 1, 3 and 6), and have already successfully applied two components (FabSim3 and EasyVVUQ) to multiple applications.  The Month 9 release of the VECMA VVUQ Toolkit has occurred on schedule, on Thursday 14 March, 2019. It is comprised of two parts:…